
FemiLift Laser Vaginal Tightening

FemiLift Laser Vaginal Tightening

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What Is FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation?FemiLift is a minimally invasive Laser Vaginal Tightening Surgery that can tighten the vagina, improve menopausal dryness, and reduce urinary incontinence. A laser handpiece is inserted into the v…

Anual exam

Anual exam

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To stay healthy, women should have a physical exam every year. Most of the time, the pelvic examination is a part of this annual exam. It’s also a time for the Obstetrician/Gynecologist to provide reassurance of normal anatomy and answer specific quest…

GYN consultation in Brooklyn

GYN consultation in Brooklyn

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Brooklyn GYN Place is pleased to have Dr. Amir Marashi as part of our team of highly skilled Ob/Gyn Physicians. Dr. Amir Marashi has special interest in minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgery , and SILS surgery (single incision laparoscopy surgery…